4 Main Runqueue

The main per-CPU runqueue data structure is defined in kernel/sched.c. It keeps track of all runnable tasks assigned to a particular CPU and manages various scheduling statistics about CPU load or scheduling domains for load balancing. Furthermore it has:

  • a lock to synchronize scheduling operations for this CPU
    raw_spinlock_t lock;
  • pointers to the task_structs of the currently running, the idle and the stop task
    struct task_struct *curr, *idle, *stop;
  • runqueue data structures for fair and real time scheduling classes
    struct cfs_rq cfs;
    struct rt_rq rt;

4. 主运行队列

主运行队列在每个 CPU 上都有一份,数据结构定义在 kernel/sched.c。它记录了特定 CPU 上所有的可运行的任务,并且还管理和每个处理器负载或域负载相关的不同调度的统计信息。更进一步来说,它包括下面几项:

  • 一个锁,用来同步当前 CPU 的调度操作
    raw_spinlock_t lock;
  • 分别指向当前运行的任务、空闲任务、停止任务的 task_struct 结构体指针
    struct task_struct *curr, *idle, *stop;
  • 公平调度和实时调度类的运行队列数据结构
    struct cfs_rq cfs;
    struct rt_rq rt;

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