6. Short Scheduling Algorithm History

This is a short history of the development of the scheduling algorithm used in Linux.

  • 1995 1.2 Circular Runqueue with processes scheduled in a Round Robin system
  • 1999 2.2 introduced scheduling classes and with that rt-tasks, non-preemptible tasks and non-rt-tasks, introduced support for SMP
  • 2001 2.4 O(N) scheduler, split time into epochs where each task was allowed a certain time slice, iterating through N runnable tasks and applying goodness function to determine next task
  • 2003 2.6 O(1) scheduler used multiple runqueues for each priority, it was a more efficient and scalable version of O(N), it introduced a bonus system for interactive vs. batch tasks
  • 2008 2.6.23 Completely Fair Scheduler

6. 调度算法简史

这里是一份 Linux 的调度算法的开发历史:

  • 1995 1.2 循环运行队列与采用循环调度进程调度算法
  • 1999 2.2 引入了调度类和实时任务,不可抢占任务和非实时任务,开始支持 SMP
  • 2001 2.4 O(N) 复杂度的调度器,将时间分片,每个任务只被允许一段特定时间片,遍历 N 可运行任务,使用 goodness 函数来决定下一个运行的任务
  • 2003 2.6 O(1) 复杂度的调度器,针对每个优先级使用了多个运行队列,是一个更有效且可扩展的 O(N) 版调度算法,引入了奖励系统来应对交互式 vs 批处理任务
  • 2008 2.6.23 完全公平调度器

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